Find the definition of Partridge wood in Malayalam OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Partridge wood in Malayalam with synonyms antonyms adjective and more related words in Malayalam. Human translations with examples.
Partridge Definition And Meaning Collins English Dictionary
A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata characterized by being warm-blooded having feathers and wings usually capable of flight and laying eggs.

Partridge bird meaning in malayalam. Verb noun bɜː rd bɜːdz bɜjd bɜːd. Sherko Kurmanj discusses the paradox of symbols in Iraq as an attempt to make a distinction between the. Hindi parrot ఎమ పకష కవ పకష మక పకష కకల పకష పకష పకష.
The keywords that relate to it are. A bird of the family TetraonidaeThe Hebrew word for this bird qore means a caller and the Latin perdix is supposed to be an imitation of its cry and as all other nations base their name for the bird on the Latin it becomes quite evident that it was originally named in. Malayalam meaning of partridgequot.
ˈpɑr trɪdʒ n pl. Partridge partridge a partridge ka-píñgala francoline partridge. Knowledge for knowledges sake.
Association with Feminine forces. Perdix perdix widely introduced in North America.
Partridge wood Meaning in Malayalam. Contextual translation of partridge bird into Telugu. Learn Malayalam Through English - Birds.
Since partridges are unlikely to be seen in pear-trees they are ground-nesting birds it has been suggested that the text a pear tree is a corruption of the French une perdrix. Table of bird names in Malayalam with English and scientific names.
Any of various rotund orig. After the fashion of the Kapiñgala topic in the Pûrvamîmâmsâ according to which the plural kapiñgalân means only three. Any game bird resembling the partridge as the ruffed grouse or bobwhite.
This bird unlike our own partridge is distinguished by its ringing call-note which in early morning echoes from cliff to cliff amidst the barrenness of the wilderness of Judea and the glens of the forest of Carmel hence its Hebrew name. It is called Kew. Malayalam meaning of birdquot.
Man transformed to an animal. Citation needed The partridge has also been used as a symbol that represents Kurdish nationalism. This name occurs only twice in Scripture.
Old World gallinaceous birds of the pheasant family esp. A vital air causing hunger. Njarapakshi naarapakshi oru tharam kokku.
Septuagint 1 Samuel 2620 nuktikorax owl Jeremiah 1711 perdix. The Partridge may be a small bird but it is associated with many meanings. Partridge Meaning in Malayalam Definition of Partridge in Malayalam OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary.
Malayalam meaning of Partridge is as below. Birds Name in Malayalam English In this article we are providing All Birds Name in Malayalam to English Hindi.
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